Brad Calder

(Kaden taking on the snow ... in Seattle)

Adjunct Professor
University of California, San Diego
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla CA 92093-0404 USA

Google 2015-present

Microsoft 2006-2014

Worked on Microsoft Azure Storage . Papers on Azure Storage:

UCSD 1996-2007

We've provided infrastructure to allow you to quickly and accurately determine where you should be spending your program simulation and analysis time.
This is called the: Simulation Point Toolkit (SimPoint)

I co-directed the High Performance Processor Architecture and Compilation lab with Professors Dean Tullsen , Steve Swanson , and Michael Taylor .

My research interests included:

Current Graduate Students and What they are Working on: (Back To Top)

Ph.D. Students Graduated and their first jobs

M.S. Thesis Students Graduated

Undergraduate Students Graduated

Interesting Architecture Web Sites